February 19, 2007



Smile! It’s the month of safar which is the heaviest among the months of the year of the islamic calendar.

It’s recommended for protection against the bela/trouble( s) and all kinds of evil, to give charity/sadaqa for yourself & the members of your family or beloved ones –seeking Allah’s pleasure first, for the sake of Allah Almighty, supplicate & say your intention ‘on’ the charity–, and unlike other times keep this charity until the end of safar then give it to the needy. to say 3x shahada, 300x astaghfirullah daily. and, give the daily charity by day before sunrise and by night before sunset*; you may put the charity in a box as you cant always find the needy to give it to, but dont keep it for long time to give it all at once since the best is to give the charity right away you make your supplication/ dua and intention on it without any delay.

The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him was the most generous of all. He used to give with his own hand. When asked for anything, he never refused. His wives may Allah be well pleased with them were also known for their almsgiving. Of them Zaynab bint Jahsh was the most generous and was called by the Prophet ‘the longest in arm’. She was also known as the mother of the poor/umm al-masakin for her almsgiving. Sadaqa wards off affliction in this world, questioning in the grave and punishment on the Judgement Day. The constant giving of a little is said to please Allah more than the occasional giving of much.

*the earlier it’s given by day and night, the earlier one’s asking support from Allah & thus is under the protection of Allah Almighty by His will and mercy.

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