“Oh Allah, You are my goal and I am seeking Your satisfaction! There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah, there is no other destination except Allah, there is no other existence except through Allah!”


1) HOSH DAR DAM-  Conscious breathing:

You must not inhale or exhale heedlessly. Every breath should be associated with an awareness of the Divine Presence, because it then is alive and connected with the Divine Presence.

Through the breathing of the creatures the sound of ‘Huwa’ of the Divine Name of Allah is made, and this is a sign of the Unseen Divine Essence in all creatures, pointing to the Uniqueness of Allah.

 2) NAZAR BAR QADAM- Watching one’s steps:

While walking you must watch your steps keeping the eyes on your feet, and not look here and there. Unnecessary sights and images create veils on the heart which block the Light of the Divine Presence. Don’t let your ego distract you, but move steadfastly  toward your goal- the Divine Presence. That is the way of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sws- only to look for the Divine Presence.

3) SAFAR DAR WATAN- Journey homeward:

There is two kinds of travel. The first is the external journey, the travel from one land to another searching for a perfect guide to take and direct you to your destination. This enables you to to go on the second journey which is internal. It involves a journey from human to angelic attributes. You must leave bad characteristics, move to the praiseworthy ones, and throw all worldly desires out of your heart to purify it. Through unceasing effort especially during the early stages of the way the mirror of the heart must be polished: ‘Ad-dawamu-taufiq’ – Perseverence brings success.

 4) KHALWAT DAR ANJUMAN- Solitude in the crowd:

It means to be outwardly with people while remaining inwardly with Allah. Your outward activities must not affect your inward state of remembrance of Allah, the Dhikru’llah.

There is also two kinds of seclusion. The external seclusion requires that the seeker must seclude himself in a private place and stay there by himself, pray and make Dhikr. He chains his ego, his external senses, for his internal senses to become free to reach to the heavenly realm. This will bring him to the state of internal seclusion, wherein his heart is present with his Lord and absent from the creatures while remaining physically present among them. In the state of Dhikr the manifestation of the Divine Presence envelops him. When it overcomes him, it makes him unaware of all but his Lord. The Prophet said sws: “I have one face which is facing my Creator, and I have another face which is facing the creation.”

 5) YAD KARD- Remembrance, ‘Making mention’:

Remember Allah both with the tongue and with the heart, by making loud and silent Dhikr. The Dhikr by negation and affirmation is: ‘La ilaha ill’Allah’. The Dhikr of the Name of Allah’s Essence is: ‘Allah, Allah…’. By these forms of Dhikr you deny  everything in this world and affirm the existence of Allah Almighty only. This brings you into the Divine Presence of Allah. 

 6)  BAZ GASHT- Returning:

The Holy Prophet used to say: “Ilahi Anta Maqsoudi wa ridhaka matloudi”- “Oh Allah, You are my goal and Your satisfaction is what I am seeking.” To utter this phrase every now and then during the Dhikr helps you to expel all thoughts from the heart, and to open yourself to the awareness of the Oneness of Allah, until you reach the state that wherever you look you will see the Absolute One.

Return to Allah by complete surrender and submission to Hi Will, and complete humbleness in giving Him all due praise. The seeker cannot come to the Presence of God in his Dhikr except by the help and support, and the permission of Allah. It is really Allah, the One, who is reciting the Dhikr through him. Sheikh Abu Yazid al Bistami said: “When I reached Allah I saw that His remembering of me had preceded my remembrance of Him.” And the Holy Prophet used to say: “We did not remember You as You deserve to be remembered, Oh our Lord!”

 7) NIGAH DASHT- Attentiveness:

Watch your heart during  the contemplation. It will help you to prevent egoistic and evil thoughts from entering it. Bad inclinations keep the heart from joining with the Divine.

 8) YAD DASHT- Recollection:

Always safeguard your heart with Dhikr and be in permanent awareness of the Divine Presence. Then you will also discard angelic thoughts and imaginings and keep and affirm only the real truthful thoughts.

 9) WUQUF-I-ZAMANI- Awareness of time:

You must be aware of how you spends your time- ‘the Sufi is the son of his time’. Stop every now and then in your activities to remember Allah.

You must spend all your time making your one and only goal the arrival at the station of Divine Love and Divine Presence. You must become aware that Allah witnesses the smallest detail. Make an account of your actions and intentions every day and every night and analyze them. If they are good, and if you were in Allah’s Presence, thank Allah for them. If they are bad, and you were in the presence of your ego, you must repent and ask Him for forgiveness.

 10) WUQUF-I-ADADI- Awareness of the numbers:

Count and be aware of the exact number of repetitions comprising the silent Dhikr of the heart, to secure your heart from bad thoughts and to deepen the concentration. The pillar of Dhikr through counting is to bring the heart into the Presence of the One who is mentioned in that Dhikr and to realize the creation’s need of Him.

 11) WUQUF-I-QALBI- Awareness of the heart:

The heart is the center of power. All thoughts and inspirations, good or bad, are felt and appear inside the heart, circling and alternating, moving between light and darkness. Dhikr is required to control and reduce that turbulence of the heart.The state of awareness of the heart is the state of being present in the Divine Presence in such a way that you don’t see other than Allah. You can form  a mental picture of your heart with the name of Allah engraved on it, to emphasize that the heart has no conscioussness or goal other than Him.

Talking with Authority

November 13, 2006

“There has always been this thing with khalifas

the power struggles that go on with in themselves

hence why when the imam will be here they will be mureeds and not caliphas

as in that time its the young ones who will take the batton as to say

even a calipha is a mureed

and not all of them are connected in the same way

best advice mate is to take what is beneficial and you like from anyones

your goal is to reach closeness to your lord

so use any person who may take you a step closer

the main person to take us that distance is mawlana

so get closer to him

dont worry about politics and each test that the calipha might be going through

they are not above tests although they might forget that” ~?

Winners in the Tariqat

November 10, 2006

Grandsheykh Mevlana Nazim al-Hakkani is saying:

“My followers will be divided into three groups. One will uprise against me.
They are waste, they have lost. The second group will fight and be martyred
while the third will rebuild the Ottoman Empire with Isa (a.s.). They are the

An email..

November 10, 2006

Assalamu Alaikum dearest precious mureeds of our beloved Sultan.
Some essentials that we need to know and be aware of regarding this
war what our Sultan Ul Awliya Maulana Sheikh Nazim has been talking
of this whole year.

1.For who ever believes the word of the Sultan whether the war takes
place this year or not, for believing him without reservation you
will get high Makaams(spiritual stations).An ideal mureed is the one
who does not question or doubt his master even if he is told every
morning that the war is in the evening, he keeps on beleiving his
master without an opinion as to the masters statements.

2.Rely on the mercy and grace of the Sultan to protect you during
the war and not allow our egos to comfort us by depending on our
worships and good actions.This will apply to us on Judgment Day too,
so we always have to depend on our Almightys Mercy and not place any
kind of value to our worship or conducts.

3.Be connected to our Sultan at all times.This means your heart
beeing connected to the heart of Maulana Sheikh Nazims Heart as his
heart is connected to our Holy Prophets heart which is in the Divine
Presence.This is a very very very important point.Our
gateway/hub/ router to the heavens is Maulana Shiek Nazim. He is our
Kibla that we need to turn to and our hearts needs to be directed
towards him always, keeping him in our minds, thoughts and actions.
If any of our actions,worships has to materialise any value, our
hearts need to be connection with Maulana where he places our hearts
in the Divine presence via Holy Prophet heart.Allah Almghty says in
the Holy Quran to the effect “if your hearts are not with me, your
actions and deeds are useless”.
The spin off of been in connection and been aware that your
connected with Maulana helps you to absorb his holy attributes which
you need to progress spiritually and to give you power to contain
you ego.
So our mission every day is to Remember to Rememeber if we are in
connection and be aware of the connection.( for people who dont feel
maulana in their hearts or dont know how to keep prolonged
connection pls request me privately, i am willing to help personally
to make sure u get it right and be connected)

Somewhere between January of this year and March our beloved Sultan
Maulana Sheik Nazim gave a sorbet stating that 1/3 of his mureeds
will leave the Naqshabandi Tariqa, 1/3 will die, and only 1/3 will
survive the war.Out of the 1/3 who survives only 50 or so mureeds
will be his sincere followers.This is worse news than the war.We
need to seriously question ourselves, are we really sincere to
Maulana Shiekh Nazim or not?.If we are, we are lucky and have
nothing to worry.if not its better to get back to the drawing
board……. ……… ….start talking with your conscience.

May Our beloved Sultan pour endless oceans of love and sincerity
towards him to all his mureeds hearts.ameen ameen ameen


p.s(Khairiyah Siegel can confirm regarding this sorbet)

How To Survive ..

November 7, 2006

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim…
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Grand Shaykh is giving me a guarantee for people during Armageddon. He is saying that there are three points. If they are kept, the person cannot be hurt in the wars. Zahara! This is not something to cry or ask about. No. It is impossible for those who deny the Creator to survive. Never. If it is your father or mother or daughter, sister or brother! It is impossible!

It is impossible to survive if you deny the Creator. There people must be killed. They will kill each other. If anyone of his relatives was denying the Prophet, they would fight them, kill them.

Cruel people cannot survive. Cruel people will not survive.

Envious people: Envious people are the enemy of humanity. They will be killed and
hurt and harmed according to the envy in their hearts.

It is impossible for believers to be killed during Armageddon and for people with good
actions and good intentions. That is impossible but for those who harm humanity and
have enemies and are denying the Creator, they must be killed. That is their

Sheikh Nazim has given the zikr to be started at the beginning of the war, and then to
be done daily:

100 times Hasbun Allahu wa niyamal wakil

100 times La illaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal laalimin

40 times Salatan Tunjina

Hasbun Allahu wa niyamal wakil-Allah is enough of a Defender (Protector) for us.

La illaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal laalimin-There is no God but You Oh
Glorified One, I verily am from amongst the transgressors. (Zikr in the belly of the
whale, recited by Prophet Yunus (as)


Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin
(O Allah! bless our master Muhammad)
salatan tunjina bi-ha min jami’-l-ahwali wa-l-afat
(so that by this prayer You will deliver us from all fears & evils)
Wa taqdi lana biha min jami’-l-hajat
(that you will satisfy all of our needs)
Wa tutahiruna biha min jami’-s-sa’iyat
(that You will cleanse us of all our impurities)
Wa tarfa’una biha indaka al-ad-darajat
(that You will raise us to the highest levels)
Wa tuballighuna biha aqsa-l-ghayati min jami-l-khayrati
(and that You will bring us to the ultimate of all goodness)
fi-l-hayati wa ba’da-l-mamat
(in this life and after death)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim…

S.Mehdi’s first appearance was in Hijaz, in Mekka, on Mount Arafat. That was around 196o. It was a private appearance, only for Saints. 12.ooo Awliya came and put their hands on his hand, taking Beyat with him. Once, when I was passing through Beirut, on my way to Cyprus, I met a Sheikh from Lebanon, and I was a guest in his house. He asked me: “What news is your Sheikh giving about Mehdi a.s. ?” I told him, that so and so many years ago we were on Arafat with Mehdi a.s. and 12.ooo Rijalu’llah, Awliya, and that we all took Beyat with Mehdi a.s. I was with Grandsheikh at that time. He took me with him, like a hunter keeps his dog with him. When I said this, the Sheikh from Lebanon said: “You are right. I was in Mekka Mukarama the same year with my Sheikh, and we met a person from the Sudan. We asked him: “From where are you coming?”, and he told us that he had come from Central Africa: “One year ago I was ordered by the Holy Prophet sws to be here this year to take Beyat with Mehdi a.s. I have been walking on foot for one year, and I have reached here…” So the Awliya have already taken Beyat with Mehdi a.s. in that year. There is a second kind of Beyat, in dreams, for people who are not prepared to meet Mehdi a.s. physically. And now he is waiting for the order, and then common people will take Beyat with him. He will appear for all people, according to the Lord’s command, in the Great War, Armageddon… There are one hundred and one hindrances which he must overcome, before he can appear. Ninety-nine of those hindrances have passed. Now only two are remaining… ‘Red coloured people’ have come to Afghanistan. They must also come to Pakistan, and then to Turkey. That is the first sign: Russians coming to Turkey… Huge Russian powers will be at the West of Aleppo. They will come up to the plain of Yarmuq(?) near Aleppo. At the same time the American powers will be in Turkey, in Adana, near the sea. There will be a great slaughter in that plain. The War will last three months and during that War, Mehdi a.s. will appear. It will be in a year of the Hajj-ul-Akbar. Mehdi a.s. will appear on Hajj, where people will take Beyat from him… From there he goes to Damascus. He will make Tekbir 3 times: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!” With those Tekbirs the problem of technology is going to be finished, and it is going to be the signal for all Muslims to attack the devils… There are 4o stations on S. Mehdi’s way between Mekka and Damascus… He will come to the gates of Damascus, firstly to a place where the foot-prints of the Prophet Muhammad and his camel are on a stone… He will enter Damascus, and there the people will take Beyat with him. Then there are 7 stations on his way from Damascus to Istanbul- Homs, Hama, Trablus, Halep, Konya, Bursa- and in Istanbul he will take out the flag of the Prophet from the Topkapi-Palace… But before that, the Padishah will appear and they will meet in Konya, where Mehdi a.s. will put on the sword of the Prophet and his coat, the Amanats… After Mehdi has taken out the flag in Istanbul, the Anti Christ will come quickly through Khorasan in Iran, and run to Jerusalem, to go around the whole world from there for 4o days. He is now in chains- imprisoned on an unknown island that no one can approach- because he is saying: “I am your Lord”, claiming to be the Lord of mankind, not just a prophet, but the Lord… He cannot move from there. He is Shaitan, the father of all devils. He is giving orders, and he has 3o deputies who are preparing people for his coming… And he is one-eyed… Muslims are expecting S.Mehdi a.s. and they are waiting also for S.Isa a.s. to come from the Heavens. Christians are expecting Jesus Christ to come back from the Heavens, too. But the Jews, because they do not believe in S. Isa and S. Muhammad sws are still waiting for a Prophet from among themselves to appear… There will be a heavenly announcement: “The enemy of Allah, Dajjal, has appeared. Whoever wants to save himself from him must go to Damascus, Mekka or Medina”. So believers will run because Dajjal will be after them. They will run like streams to Damascus, and all believers must be there for 4o days… Dajjal will go around the whole world, but 7oo Angels, 7oo Jinn, and 7oo Awliya from Budala, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Autad and Ahyar will protect Damascus, so he won’t be able to enter. Damascus is a holy area, the place of the Judgement Day, where twice a day come Nur, Divine Lights, and Mercy. This area covers all that a man can see from the minaret of the Omayyad Mosque, and its Baraka spreads for a distance of six or seven days’ camel ride in all directions. After 4o days, Jesus will come down from the Heavens. It will be the time of the Fajr prayer, when he comes down in the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus. He is coming down to a minaret of that Dome in the East, under which S.Yahya a.s., John the Baptist, is buried. Two Angels will protect him with their wings, and bring him down to earth. He will be wearing a green turban, and he will be shining. He has the most beautiful face, rosy and white. His beard is red, and he is sweating. And he has a sword. When he was on earth, he never touched a sword, but now he is coming as a Saviour, to save people from the hands of the Anti-Christ. His sword is a miraculous sword, a heavenly sword. It can reach any point to where he sends it. The Lord gave it to him… He is not coming as a Prophet anymore, but as a member of the Ummah of S.Muhammad sws, following his Shariat. S. Mehdi a.s. will offer the place to Jesus to be Imam, but Jesus will refuse. S.Mehdi will lead the prayer once, and after that Jesus will be Imam… And S.Mehdi a.s. will be with him for 7 years… Jesus will kill the Anti-Christ, break the crosses, and make clear the truth about himself and his mother S. Mariam… He will govern the Heavenly Kingdom on earth for 4o years. In his time, all technology will be destroyed, and everyone will be given miraculous powers, so that when you look somewhere and you say: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, by Your Divine Permission, oh My Lord, You honoured me to be Your deputy, I ask of You”, and if He gives permission, you may put your step from here to there.
After Jesus has killed the Anti-Christ, there will be no more devils and evil in his time…people will live a life like in Paradise, Paradise appearances, Tajallis, will come on them… At that time, the purpose of Allah’s creation will appear. Isa a.s. will marry and have children. When he is going to die, he will be buried in Medina, in the fourth tomb next to the Holy Prophet, S.Abu Bakr and S.Omar r.a., that is empty now. Then all believers will die by a sweet scent from Paradise. Everything terrible after that will come to the unbelievers, who will have started to re-appear during Jesus’ time… And the world will come to its end.

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani


Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani 

He is the Imam of the People of Sincerity, the Secret of Sainthood, who revived the Naqshbandi Order at the end of the 20th Century, with Heavenly guidance and Prophetic ethics. He infused into the Nation and the Planet, love of God and love of the lovers of God, after they had been darkened with the fire and smoke of tribulation and terror, anger and grief.

He is the Unveiler of Secrets, the Keeper of Light, the Shaykh of Shaykhs, the Sultan of Ascetics, the Sultan of the Pious, the Sultan of the People of the Truth. He is the Chief Master without peer of the Divine Knowledge in the late 20th Century. He is the Rain from the Ocean of Knowledge of this Order, which is reviving spirits in all parts of this world. He is the Saint of the Seven Continents, his light having attracted disciples and students from all quarters of the globe. He wears the Cloak of the Light of the Divine Presence. He is unique in his time. He is the orchid planted in the earth of Divine Love. He is the Sun for all the universes. He is known as the Saint of the Two Wings: the external knowledge and the internal knowledge.

He is a Miracle of Allah’s Miracles, walking on the earth and soaring in the Heavens. He is a Secret of Allah’s Secrets, appearing in His Divinity and Existing in His Existence. He is the Owner of the Throne of Guidance, the Reviver of Divine Law, the Master of Sufi Way, the Builder of the Truth, the Guide of the circle, the Lyric Poem of All the Secrets. He is the Master of Saints and the Saint of the Masters. Seekers circle the Kabah of His Light. He is a Fountain always flowing, a Waterfall continuously cascading, a River always flooding, an Ocean endlessly cresting and breaking on infinite shores.