Talking with Authority

November 13, 2006

“There has always been this thing with khalifas

the power struggles that go on with in themselves

hence why when the imam will be here they will be mureeds and not caliphas

as in that time its the young ones who will take the batton as to say

even a calipha is a mureed

and not all of them are connected in the same way

best advice mate is to take what is beneficial and you like from anyones

your goal is to reach closeness to your lord

so use any person who may take you a step closer

the main person to take us that distance is mawlana

so get closer to him

dont worry about politics and each test that the calipha might be going through

they are not above tests although they might forget that” ~?

2 Responses to “Talking with Authority”

  1. Hakkani7 said


    Selam Aleykum wa Rahmatullah,

    Mash’Allah! I came across your page, and saw the pictures of My Sultan, Sultan ul Awliyah, Sheykh Mevlana Nazim, and my Sheykh Effendi Abdul-Kerim. My heart grows with love for them just looking at those pictures. Hope you are well, Insh’Allah Rahman. May Allah bless and raise up and maintain the station of Our Sultan and Sheykh Abdul Kerim and all his beloved deputies. Ameen. For the sake of the Most Beloved One in Divine Presence.

    Selam Aleykum

    Allah emanat ol,

    Hyder Ali

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